[freeside-users] Quotation Template not showing prospect names

Nathan Kennedy nathan at nkent.us
Tue Jun 5 15:47:31 PDT 2018

On Mon, 2018-06-04 at 12:04 +0000, Chris vd Westhuizen wrote:
> To sum it up: For a new Prospect Quotation, the prospect number is
> shown, but no prospect names, like when generating a quotation for an
> existing customer it shows the customer number and names in the [@--
> $payname --@] template parameter/variable. 
>  I am trying to add the prospect names to the quotation template in
> the configuration.  How and where is the [@-- $payname --@] or other
> variables populated that I can maybe add the prospectname and use it
> in the templates?
> Please point me in the proper direction, or maybe spoon-feed me
> J.  Once I am well on my way, I will contribute back to the community
> for sure! I am new to FreeSide.  I am an eager supporter of different
> environments I know well.  Thanks.
Hello Chris,

This is most likely a bug in 4.2 as I can see the prospect name on
quotations when I create them on my box running the testing branch of
If you want a true representation of where Freeside is today you may
want to install it on a virtual machine instead of using the appliance
which was created in 2016.  You can install the testing branch by
replacing the word stable with testing when you add the apt repository.


Nathan Kennedy
Contracted Professional IT
(360) 637-1090
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