[freeside-users] Command to Suspend requestl

Shivkumar shivkumar at outbackwifi.com
Sun Feb 17 18:24:55 PST 2008

Freeside won't be able to do that. Your hotspot/access controller/NAS is 
supposed to be doing this.
For example, we have built a hotspot controller for our wi-fi customers 
using Chillispot+FreeRadius. Chillispot does a AAA request to the RADIUS 
server and grants or rejects access based on the current status. So if 
you have a prepay customer with only 1 hr of access, he is automatically 
disconnected once this limit is reached.
Freeside is used to "provision" the account.


M. Stephen said the following:
> I have installed/using freeside 1.7.3. The system is 
> working very well. We are using Usage tracking. We have 
> one problem.
> When freeside changing radius group upon reaching usage 
> limit, we want freeside to send disconnect packet to NAS 
> so that the user is disconnected immediate
>                  OR
> When freeside changing radius group upon reaching usage 
> limit, we want to send commands to our router access list 
> to block the user IP address to access Internet
> If there is anybody who has done so, please advice.
> _________
> Stephen
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