[freeside-users] Removing Access Number Support

Kenneth Williams kenneth at keyway.net
Thu Oct 13 09:52:23 PDT 2005

I havent removed the dialup numbers field before, but some other required
fields I've removed (from the users view at least) simply by replacing
them with an < input type=hidden value=something >. This makes the signup
server accept it as user input.

I have also ran into the same problem with the numbers taking an
incredibly long time to load when you have a lot of them. I had a PHP
script that would  load state lists (or area code) from MySQL, then the
numbers for only the state/area you selected. Does anyone know of a way to
integrate this selective loading into the signup server of freeside?

> Hello,
> We are using version Freeside v1.5.7. We have successfully imported 5000
> access numbers into freeside, and they all show up. The probelm we are
> having is that most users are signing up over dialup, and our signup page
> (https://www.dialup.cc/signup.php) takes an extremely long time to load
> becasue it is downloading the signup script, plus the 5000 access numbers
> on
> the script.
> We have made our own access number search script on a serparte page (
> https://www.dialup.cc/access.php), so we not longer would like to have the
> freeside access number script that is on the bottom of the signup page. I
> know we can delete all the 5000 access numbers in freeside, but the access
> number fields remain on the form. We have also tried to simply cut out the
> access number code on the signup page, and it does remove the boxes, but
> then however when you press signup the page comes back with an error
> saying
> select a access number.
> Please help me disable the use of POPs in freeside.
> Thank you,
> Kyle Leissner
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