[freeside] svc_acct.import

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Thu Oct 23 02:02:33 PDT 2003

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 08:53:36PM -0400, Blevins Carol A wrote:
> Can't find domsvc  in svc_domain.svcnum at ./svc_acct.import line 198,
> <PASSWD> line 1.

This seems to indicate you don't have a default or fixed domsvc defined
in the relevant service definition.  I haven't used the stock
svc_acct.import in years, so I'm unlikely to be much help.

In almost all cases, legacy data import will require writing custom code
to deal with your particular legacy data.  The example scripts will
probably not work "out-of-the-box", and are provided as a starting point

> If I import my shell and user accounts and set up an export for sqlradius
> for those services will it export okay to freeradius?

man freeside-sqlradius-reset

> And per the docs it said for FreeRadius .5 and greater the op fields
> needed to allow nulls.  Is this still true?

This was changed months ago, before the release of 1.4.1.


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