[freeside] Radiator and Freeside

Troy Hammonds troyh at netsignia.net
Fri Jul 25 09:03:42 PDT 2003

ivan at 420.am wrote:

>On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 01:06:36AM -0400, Troy Hammonds wrote:
>>I have been looking through the lists looking for info on useing Radiator
>>with freeside.  I see that the popular choices seem to be ICradius and
>>Free Radius but I have  already purchesed Radiator some years ago.  I do
>>not want Radiator to auth off my freeside database.  I have setup 1.4.1RC5
>>to uss sqlexport and I noticed that it was looking for perticular tables.
>>After reading about it I saw that the tables was from ICRadius.  I know
>>there is a way to make Radiator work off these tables but I am having
>>trouble understanding the how the reply and check tables are layed out.
>Radiator contains complete support for authorizing from and logging
>accounting information to the standard SQL schema used by ICRADIUS and
>FreeRADIUS.  I corresponded with them some time ago to get this working.
>For further support for the commercial Radiator product, contact your
>vendor.  This mailing list is not an appropriate forum for the support
>of third-party commercial products.
>>Also I added my own check attribute when I  ran the fs-setup called
>>Simultanious-Use and I did a reply attribute Idle-Timeout. I cant find
>>anywhere in freeside where I can alter the data of these 2 tables.
>Main Menu | View/Edit Service Definitions
I must be missing something here. I went to the View/edit Dervice 
Definitions and clicked on my service I created for dialup. I still see 
nothing where I can edit the data for the reply and check attributed I 
added.  I looked in the database and the tables are there.

mysql> select * from svc_acct;
| svcnum | username | _password | sec_phrase | popnum | uid  | gid  | 
finger        | dir            | shell | quota | slipip          | 
seconds | domsvc | rc_simultaneous_use | radius_port_limit |
|      2 | farrelan | MHsmGlWU  | NULL       |   NULL |    2 |    2 | 
Troy Hammonds | /home/farrelan | NULL  | NULL  | |    
NULL |      1 | NULL                | NULL              |

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