[freeside] PAP questions...

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Fri Jul 25 06:10:40 PDT 2003

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 08:52:15AM -0400, Rob Charles wrote:
> Well actually,  so lets say I have a PAP account all set up with it being US
> standard(pretend its a US installation) How would I get the PAP to work?

Install the Business::OnlinePayment module for your gateway

Configure your gateway under the "business-onlinepayment" configuration
option (or perhaps "business-onlinepayment-ach" if you're using a
separate credit card processor).

Add (at least) an invoice event to "Run check" at 0 days for the "CHEK"
billing type.


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