[freeside] 1.4.1 Billing Error

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Thu Aug 21 16:04:17 PDT 2003

On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 12:16:33PM -0400, Rick Harby wrote:
> I have 1.4.1 installed,

You're running the 1.4.1 code, but your database is from (at least)
before 1.4.0pre12, before the 1.4.x schema was finalized.

Only beta / release candidate / stable releases are supported and have
schema upgrade instructions.

If you aren't a developer willing to follow schema changes yourself, you
should not have been running development pre-releases in production.
Start over with a real 1.4.1 installation, or manually check CVS for
differences between the code you created the schema with and the final
1.4.x schema, then apply those changes to your database.

Good luck.


> with Business::OnlinePayment::TCLink, when I
> have a customer who's credit card was declined, then they call to update
> their credit card information. I replace the info in the Customer edit
> screen, then click 'Bill' again, and it bounces back with this error:
> Your request could not be processed because of the following error: 
> WARNING: Event run but database not updated - error inserting
> cust_bill_event, invnum #24805, eventpart 4: ERROR: Cannot insert a
> duplicate key into unique index cust_bill_event1 
> I see the charge at TrustCommerce, but the invoice remains open. I'm
> guessing because there is an Event which failed to bill. How do I
> correct? I need my call center reps to know real time if the new card is
> valid. Thanks.


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