Error "failed: unknown column 'op' in field list at" when setting up new dialup customer on icradius

A. Dumas admlm at
Sat Aug 2 18:51:42 PDT 2003

I'm using freeside-1.5.0pre3, Postgresql 7.3.2 and Apache 1.3.27 w/ ASP on a
Linux 9.0 machine.  ICradius is on another machine running Linux 8.0,
ICradius version 0.18.1 and mysql version 4.0.13.

It appears the freeside box is contacting the icradius box, but I get the
error message listed in the Subject line.  There's no 'op' column in any of
the icradius tables.  Perhaps this column is used/needed by Freeradius?

Has anyone else ran into this problem?  Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Andrew Dumas

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