[freeside] success... finally! Also some questions and obversations

ivan ivan at 420.am
Tue Mar 26 04:35:44 PST 2002

On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 12:08:28PM +0000, Alan Murrell wrote:
> A couple of observations/suggestions, and of course, some questions...
> 1) Documentation: In the part of the documentation where you go through 
> setting up the database in PostreSQL, would it be possible to include a 
> little bit about setting up the ph_hba.conf file?

Anything is possible.  Send a documentation patch if you actually want to
see it happen. 

> 2) This is prolly due mostly to the test machine I have FreeSide running on, 
> but I just thought I'd bring it up just in case.  The loading of the pages 
> seems awfully slow, although as I mentioned, my test machine isn't really 
> the most powerful out there (Cyrix 333MHz, 64MB RAM).  Do others find it a 
> little slow?  There's nothing wrong with that, really; just wanted to see if 
> it *is* my machine or not.

For reference, the web demo runs on a K6/233 with 128mb RAM.  Get yourself
some more RAM and turn down the number of Apache processes.  See
http://perl.apache.org/tuning/ and

> 3) A lot of the time (maybe 1 in 3 times), after clicking on a "submit" or 
> "save" button, I would get a "500 Internal server error".

THIS IS A USELESS PROBLEM REPORT.  If you can't post the contents of
Apache's error.log, DON'T WASTE OUR TIME.

> Also, I was viewing the pages in the Opera web browser (v6.0, Tech. Preview 
> 3), but have not had a chance to use another browser,

If you don't have the time to perform simple tests with another browser
yourself you are NOT READY to post to the mailing list about your problem. 
You are showing disrespect for the the time of myself and the other folks
on the mailing list.  Take the time to test out your theory that it may be
a browser problem BEFORE posting. 

> so the errors could 
> have had something to do with Opera (it does  good job of browsing the web 
> most of the time, but sometimes "hicuups"; this could be one of those 
> "hicuups"

I occasionally test under Opera 5 but I don't use it, nor have I tried the
"6.0 Tech. Preview".

> 4) On a final note, I was going throught the instructions under 
> "Administration" in the Documentation (from the site).  I got as far as 
> entering in the Customer, and "ordering the Domain Hosting" package, but 
> when I went to the "Package View" screen to add my domain, there was no 
> "Add" button/link, as indicated in the instructions.  I clicked on pretty 
> much everything, but was unable to see any way to add my domain name to the 
> package.  Has the "add" button/link been taken away and replaced with 
> something else?  If so, what do I click on?  I really did click on pretty 
> much everything!

"Add" became "Provision".


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