[freeside] svc_acct.export
ivan at 420.am
Mon Jan 14 11:33:28 PST 2002
Okay, in 1.4 I've deprecated the wholesale copy. There's a job queue in
1.4 and I recommend using MySQL replication or just setting
icradius_secrets to the RADIUS database.
On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 08:40:29AM -0500, Adam Rose wrote:
> We have been having some issues with ICradius crashing when the
> svc_acct.export script copys the tables from the freeside database to the
> radius database. The lock on the tables causes the radius daemon to time
> out during the export. The problem lies in that users are trying to
> authenticate while the export it going on.
> I like the idea of having a secure connection between the two machines. I
> have thought of having the svc_acct methods insert,replace, and delete
> from/into the radius database "real-time". My schema consists of using th
> e SSH perl wrapper to :
> ssh(root at radiusmachine,'echo"<mysql-statement>"|mysql -u$user -p$pass
> radiusdb').
> I know this is really nasty,but the only other way I see to do it is to
> have a job table that gets cleared out every time the svc_acct.export
> script is run. That way only changes to the freeside database are
> reflected in the radius database. But, of course, making this secure
> entitles doing something like above.
> I do realize that all methods require some server overhead.
> I could use any advise on this issue. Any other ideas on how to cure this
> issue would be greatly appreciated.
> Freeside 1.3.1
> MySQL w/Berkley DB
> perl 5.00503
> Linux 2.2.18pre11
> --
> Adam
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