[freeside] radiator logging accounting information?
ivan at 420.am
ivan at 420.am
Sun Dec 29 20:33:04 PST 2002
On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 10:02:48PM -0600, Jason Radford wrote:
> We have been using radiator auth/logging onto a postgres database,
> which has been pretty solid.
> I have installed freeside 1.4.0 and created the freeside database
> using the same postgres server, linux slackware 8.1.
> My question is that in the radiator docs it says that it is
> only able to auth from the freeside database, and not log
> accounting information (start/stop times, timestamps, etc),
This is both incorrect and out of date. The configuration distributed
with Radiator authenticates directly from a Freeside 1.3.x database and
should *not* be used. In 1.4.x, a textradius or sqlradius export should
be used to update an external SQL database for RADIUS.
> is anyone able to use radiator to log accounting information
> into freeside at all?
You need to configure Radiator to log to a standard SQL radacct table
such as those used by ICRADIUS or FreeRADIUS.
http://www.sisd.com/~ivan/sqlradacct.pl was written for a customer and
you may find it useful; however, please note that support for the
commercial Radiator RADIUS server is not on-topic on this mailing list.
You should contact your Radiator vendor for support configuring their
commercial Radius server to log in the standard format all other SQL
RADIUS servers use.
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