[freeside] Interim Radius records and handling DSL accounts.

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Sun Dec 15 00:41:02 PST 2002

On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 11:01:20PM +1100, Hugh Blandford wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been browsing around the list and I was wondering if someone with
> more knowledge could help out.  Does Freeside handle the interim radius
> records or update records that can be sent out from a NAS?


> Will it ignore them if it doesn't know what they are?


> If a connection stayed connected for
> 3 months could Freeside use the info contained in the update records to do
> monthly data based billing without seeing a STOP record?


Can't you drop your customer's RADIUS session and have them reconnect
without any user-visable reconnection?

> Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with DSL customers?  I notice
> that there are some broadband pieces in CVS but I was wondering if people
> were using them and how they were going.

If you're provisioning your DSL customers with RADIUS you don't really
need the svc_broadband stuff, just use an sqlradius export.


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