[freeside] ICRadius 0.18.1 and Freeside 1.4.0 integration

Eric Smoker smoker at sciotowireless.net
Thu Dec 12 10:46:50 PST 2002

You use separate databases for freeside and ICRadius, the ones you created 
when you setup each app.

   Create a user and grant him all privileges to your radius database (you 
can skinny these privileges up after you get it working). If you're running 
Radius on the same machine as freeside, give this user access from localhost 
only. Also this user must have a password or the exports won't work (I think, 
but still a REAL good idea).

In Freeside:
   Create a sqlradius to localhost export (or to whatever host ICRadius is 
on). In this export set:
datasrc  = DBI:mysql:<TheNameOfYourICRadiusDatabase>
username = <TheNameOfYourUserYouSetupAbove>
password = <ThePasswordYouSetupAbove>
The capitalization in the datasrc statement is critical; DBI must be 
capitalized, mysql not capitalized (assuming you have DBD::mysql installed) 
and your database the same capitalization of your database.
   Attach the sqlradius export to any svc_acct that you want the user info to 
go to radius. Any time you add a new user it will add the user to radius. 
Works well for me:). In fact, the modify, delete and suspend functions work 
well also.


On Thursday 12 December 2002 03:37 am, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have read through the documents available about integrating
> ICRadius/Freeside. It says there is an option in the Export settings. Thus
> I put in the radius host, radiususer and password as well as the name of
> the radius database.
> Currently I am running 2 databases in MySQL. One is freeside¹s and one is
> icradius¹.
> Now, I may be wrong but to my knowledge, adding a customer in freeside
> means adding a user to the ICRadius database? If so, how does it do it? Do
> I need a single database for freeside and icradius tables to be in?
> Thanks

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