[freeside] Grace periods?

Jason Spence thalakan at technologist.com
Wed Dec 6 15:14:45 PST 2000

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:20:14PM -0800, Brad Dameron developed
a new theory of relativity and: 

> 	I there a way to setup a grace period on dialup accounts? As in if
> they are 14 days passed due on their payment then their account becomes
> disabled until paid?
> 	Also, if I write some code in PHP would you be willing to use it
> or are you only using CGI? I am currently rewriting the authentication
> system so that way it will show the user logged in as well as not allow
> the user to even see the home page without being in the mapsecrets
> file. Pretty much removing the usage of the .htaccess file. I almost have
> the home page complete rewritten to make it very simple for users to use.

Actually, that's not a bad idea; I never really thought of modifying
the home page.  I've attached two HTML files that will add a sidebar
for Netscape 6/Mozilla.  Here's the procedure for using them:

 - Save the files from this email using your mail client.

 - Edit the files to reflect your web server's address and location of
   the minifreeside.html file.

 - Copy minifreeside.html to the location on your web server you
   specified when you edited the file.

 - Open addminifreeside.html in Mozilla.

 - Click on the "add minifreeside to my sidebar" link.

 - Say yes when it asks you if you want to add the tab to your

 - The tab will appear.  When you open it, it will request the
   minifreeside.html document from your web server and display the
   "new customer" and "search by last name" items.  It searches by
   last name only using Fuzzy search by default.

Heh, now it's *really* simple for users to use :)  Ivan, is this too
specialized to be included in the distribution Freeside?

 - Jason
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