[freeside] Grace periods?

Brad Dameron bdameron at tscnet.com
Wed Dec 6 15:49:02 PST 2000

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Jason Spence wrote:

> Actually, that's not a bad idea; I never really thought of modifying
> the home page.  I've attached two HTML files that will add a sidebar
> for Netscape 6/Mozilla.  Here's the procedure for using them:
>  - Save the files from this email using your mail client.
>  - Edit the files to reflect your web server's address and location of
>    the minifreeside.html file.
>  - Copy minifreeside.html to the location on your web server you
>    specified when you edited the file.
>  - Open addminifreeside.html in Mozilla.
>  - Click on the "add minifreeside to my sidebar" link.
>  - Say yes when it asks you if you want to add the tab to your
>    sidebar.
>  - The tab will appear.  When you open it, it will request the
>    minifreeside.html document from your web server and display the
>    "new customer" and "search by last name" items.  It searches by
>    last name only using Fuzzy search by default.
> Heh, now it's *really* simple for users to use :)  Ivan, is this too
> specialized to be included in the distribution Freeside?
>  - Jason

I have something even better in the works. ;) Give me a few more days and
I will let you take a look at it.

Brad Dameron
TSCNet Online Services

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