Deleting customers with invoices

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Sun Jun 20 17:16:14 PDT 1999

On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 06:42:41PM +0200, Chris Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> First off thanks for the good tips. My system is now up and running.
> Now another question:
> I set up a fake customer to try this out. Now I have created a bill for this
> fake customer and printed out an invoice. I think that should work to test some
> features. Now I want to delete this fake customer with his invoice, so that my
> system is clean. I haven't found a way of deleting invoices and when I try to
> delete the fake customer I recieve an error message saying that it can't delete
> customers with invoices. 
> I just wanted to test before I do the real thing.

You can modify the SQL tables directly, with the command line
tools `mysql' (MySQL) or `psql' (PostgreSQL) or `dbimon' (any database).
If you have X Windows, you could use `xmysql' or `xmysqladmin' (MySQL) or
`gtksql' (PostgreSQL).  I'm sure there are X tools I don't know about - if
anyone knows of any, feel free to post.

Deleting an actual customer with real invoices seems like it would get you
in trouble with your local thieves^H^H^H^H^H^Hax collectors.  :)

> Another question is how can I get freeside to print invoices in another
> currency? Since I'm in Germany I want to bill my customers in German Marks and
> not in Dollars.
> I would also like to print out invoices in German. Can you tell me where I need
> to make these changes? Please tell me all CGI-Scripts that are involved.

If you can devote some time to translation, I'll put the framework in
place to internationalize it correctly.

The invoices are printed in the `print_text' method of FS::cust_main.
I'll probably change this over to using Text::Template so it will be easy
to internationalize.

`print_postscript' and Postscript::Template would be nice eventually.

> I would also like to get rid of all those locales in the pull-down menu of
> customers. I don't need all the US-States. It's enough for me if I could put in
> the country-codes there. I only saw a way of editing or adding new locales, but
> not for deleting locales.

You'll probably need to modify the SQL tables directly.

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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