Credit Card Transaction Software?

Martin G. Bayerle bayerle at
Wed Oct 21 18:06:45 PDT 1998

>does it work with say the IEAK from MicroSlut?

We have a free Branded New Subscriber CD, too (for our IDEA Network 
participating networks), which you can (with appropriate licensing from 
Microsoft or Netscape) propogate with Internet Explorer or Netscape 
Communicator, along with other useful Net software.

I know that IEAK allows at least customization of the browser.  However, 
if you can set the IEAK to: 

1. set-up/install your customer's dial-up networking;
2. set your RADIUS/NAS to restrict a pre-designated signup at realm/password 
to a specific port/html directory;
3. dial a pre-designated number (an 800 number which you direct to you 
modem bank);

you'd be set to go.  Otherwise, our CD does this, links to our sign-up 
server and will, soon no doubt, link to Freeside.

GOAL: Acquire customers anywhere (our IDEA), in an automated process (New 
Subscriber CD ---> Sign-Up Server ---> Freeside (billing) ---> Write 
appropriate files, RADIUS, passwd, directories, etc. ---> improve 
customer acquisition, retention, service.

I'm posting this to the list as a means of discussion on the above 
management goal.  This seems to fit the bill for a turnkey ISP solution.


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