Already in use

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Sat Dec 19 18:29:26 PST 1998

On Sun, Dec 20, 1998 at 03:47:01AM +1100, Robert Davidson wrote:
> Your solutions are all simple.
> GIVE UP!!!
> While FreeSide looks like it could be a potentially great package, Ivan never
> seems to help anyone very well. Not enough time hey Ivan?

Yes, I've been very busy.

> Or do you simply 
> make it so it's that hard for people who dont know perl inside out to use
> FreeSide so that you can make some $$$$ installing it for idiots?

You don't need to know Perl inside and out (see man perlguts) but you
probably do need some basic Perl knowledge.  I suggest _Learning Perl, 2nd
Edition_, by Randal L. Schwartz & Tom Christiansen.

> The instructions for FreeSide are very uncomplete. I for one have had many
> trys at FreeSide, never getting the damn thing to work properley. It's been a
> great challenge, never the less.

Sorry it didn't work out for you.

> I gave up on freeside long ago, and I've been laughing at you lot trying
> to get it going, hoping you will, but knowing you dont stand much of a
> chance.  I know that there are alot of people on this list with probs
> with freeside..

Yes, most of the users I'm aware of that aren't having problems have long
since unsubscribed from the list due to the poor signal-to-noise ratio.

> Freeside would probably be good if the documentation
> as more extensive, if you included the shortcuts (like instead of going
> to that place to get those perl modules, just getting the deb's for it
> from, those kinds of hints would be good. 

Any documentation updates you would like to offer would be gratefully

Debian packages are available from the Debian package installation tool,
`dselect'.  Debian users don't usually download .deb files outside that
context.  I'm assuming that the Debian users (and the Red Hat users, etc.) 
are familiar with their own installation tools. 

> It would be good if you (ivan) would give more informative
> answers when you reply to some people on this list, sometimes a "yes"
> or a "no" isn't enough.. Sometimes an explantion is a great help.


> Ivan.. I dont like you very much.

I don't like you very much either.

> It's good that you are making a product lke
> freeside, and the only reason I'm not abusing you is because you dont deserve
> to be abused in my books, as you wrote Freeside, which I'm sure someone has
> gotten some use out of.. From what I can tell, the majority of us havn't..

Whew!  I was worried there that you were abusing me.  Glad you
straightened that out.

> Ivan.. the reason I dont like you is because you dont seem to help people on
> this list as much as you could (and should as far as I believe)..

I `should'?

The reason I don't like you is that you are a clueless luser.

> If your
> emails back to these people with problems were just a little more informative
> you may save some people alot of time instead of rooting them around.
> Please un-subscribe me from your list. I no longer have any intrest in
> Freeside.

Yes, you should not be subscribed to nor should you post to the list.

If you do, I won't see them, and subscribers will yell at you.

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To specify God at as your subscription address, send mail
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I'll send a confirmation message to that address; when you receive that
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> Thankyou for your time when trying to help me. It was very much appriciated.

Could have fooled me.

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> relhoK navI
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

----- End forwarded message -----

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> relhoK navI
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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