Already in use

Robert Davidson puttputt at
Sat Dec 19 08:56:08 PST 1998

Your solutions are all simple.


While FreeSide looks like it could be a potentially great package, Ivan never
seems to help anyone very well. Not enough time hey Ivan? Or do you simply 
make it so it's that hard for people who dont know perl inside out to use
FreeSide so that you can make some $$$$ installing it for idiots?

The instructions for FreeSide are very uncomplete. I for one have had many
trys at FreeSide, never getting the damn thing to work properley. It's been a
great challenge, never the less.

I gave up on freeside long ago, and I've been laughing at you lot trying to get
it going, hoping you will, but knowing you dont stand much of a chance.

I know that there are alot of people on this list with probs with freeside..
Freeside would probably be good if the documentation was more extensive, if you
included the shortcuts (like instead of going to that place to get those perl
modules, just getting the deb's for it from, those kinds of
hints would be good. It would be good if you (ivan) would give more informative
answers when you reply to some people on this list, sometimes a "yes" or a "no"
isn't enough.. Sometimes an explantion is a great help.

Ivan.. I dont like you very much. It's good that you are making a product lke
freeside, and the only reason I'm not abusing you is because you dont deserve
to be abused in my books, as you wrote Freeside, which I'm sure someone has
gotten some use out of.. From what I can tell, the majority of us havn't..

Ivan.. the reason I dont like you is because you dont seem to help people on
this list as much as you could (and should as far as I believe).. If your
emails back to these people with problems were just a little more informative
you may save some people alot of time instead of rooting them around.

Please un-subscribe me from your list. I no longer have any intrest in Freeside.

Thankyou for your time when trying to help me. It was very much appriciated.

Robert Davidson.
roblo at

On Sat, 19 Dec 1998, Jay wrote:
>Here's a new one. When I go to add a user account via the FreeSide system,
>it is added to the PostgreSQL database, but never added to the system. The
>web browser just hangs for about 5 minutes, then times out with a no data
>error. During that 'time out', if I do a 'ps auxwww' I see the ssh useradd
>command hanging; it looks like ssh is never able to connect to
>root at localhost to add the user. After it times out, if I sumbit the same
>data again, it tells me that the username is already in use. Then, if I
>got back to the main menu and browse the database, it shows all of the
>users there, but still they were never entered into the password file. 
>Any sugguestions about how to get ssh to complete the process? Thanks. :)
>- J a y   J a c o b s o n
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>- jay at
>Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of.

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