Getting Freeside to work

Mark Williamson mark.williamson at
Mon Dec 7 07:44:30 PST 1998

Ivan Kohler  wrote:


>I would _strongly discourage_ you from running Freeside on the same
>machine you have user logins on.

Oh O.K. but at this moment..  I am building this one a single machine,   probably with a few modems while I develop, 
build, learn, understand Freeside..  Although there will be shell accounts, as Freeside calls them, to allow mgetty, and 
pppd to work at first..  the actual shells will be /dev/null..   As I really don't trust a shell account that actually uses a shell 
on any of my machines...

>Note that fs_passwd is to allow your _users_ to change their passwords,
>not to add users to remote machines (for that, see

I actually worked out those commands some of the exporting commands....   I even manage to trash my passwd and 
shadows files..   just as well I backed them up before I started to play...    Yep with all of the SSH stuff working..   I 
suppose I better import all of the accounts with svr_acct.import first..   Oops...

O.K. aboout importing the legacy data..    I am just checking out the legcy.html page..     O.K. I hope I don't look too silly 
here..    What's this port limit all about?  Umm  I not sure about that one.. 

The Link on that page called "services" goes to ..  is that 
correct.. Just thought I would have a look at that one..  but I never seem to be able to log into that one...

O.K.   about the importing data stuff..   for instance the passwd file has the user root, mail, news etc..  in it..   what  do 
you normally call the service..  I suppose one could call that "system services"..   Umm  in the form part_svc.cgi  I guess 
it would be a matter of setting most bit and pieces to default..   so free will not change any of the data on those account 
when it exports it again...   I will experiment hopefully I can work it out..

O.k.  Thanks again..


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