[freeside-devel] Export Module

ivan ivan at 420.am
Mon Mar 10 15:30:27 PST 2003

New export modules should be added to the %export hash in 
FS::part_export, and a module should be added in the FS/FS/part_export/ 
directory.  A template may be found in eg/export_template.pm

I'd advise against using the "http" export for provisining to a database
and instead suggest provisining directly to that database.


On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 03:37:25PM -0600, Ed McLain wrote:
> Hello all.  I am currently running/testing FreeSide 1.4.0 running on
> RedHat 7.2, Apache 1.3.27, mod_perl, and Postgresql.  My question is
> this.  I am a major php hacker with some experience/knowledge with
> Perl.  We have a hosting/domain management system currently in place
> that I have written in PHP that is all MySQL back ended and ALL of our
> systems pulls from.  This includes Apache, ProFTPD, Bind, and
> Qmail/Vpopmail.  Bind, Proftpd, and Qmail/Vpopmail run fully from db
> with maybe 1 or 2 config files just telling them how to connect and what
> to look for.  I would like to tie FreeSide into this system to allow for
> on-the-fly provisioning.  The easiest and fastest way I can see doing
> this is by using the http.pm export module, however, it seems to only
> work with the svc_domain table and nothing else.  I would like to change
> this to work with all the tables.  I've looked the source a little bit,
> but I was hoping somebody could point me in the right direction of what
> to change and how to set the variables and so forth on what to export. 
> I would appreciate any help I can get and would glad-fully return the
> favor and my changes.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Ed McLain
> Sr. Network Admin
> High Speed Solutions


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