[freeside-users] 4.1 Bug Report: UI: Billing Events Action "Run card with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway" doesn't work, but isn't clearly marked as deprecated.

Erreu Gedmon eg at keyway.net
Fri Jan 6 11:38:13 PST 2017

4.1 Bug Report: UI: Billing Events Action "Run card with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway" doesn't work, but isn't clearly marked as deprecated.

Name: UI: Billing Events Action "Run card with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway" doesn't work, but isn't clearly marked as deprecated.
Description: "Run card with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway" fails with the result "N/A tokenized"
             This action is marked 'deprecated' internally, but is still available in UI
Expected: A deprecated action that has become dysfunctional should be clearly marked and/or produced a clear error
Reproduce: Create a Billing Event with "Run card with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway" as the action.
Affects: 4.1
Cause: cust_bill_realtime_card.pm doesn't work, it pulls payinfo data from cust_main instead of cust_payby
Workaround: Use realtime_auto.pm "Run card or check with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway"
 o This is because the method cust_bill->realtime_card fails because it relies on cust_bill->realtime_bop
   which also fails because it relies on cust_main->realtime_bop which also fails because it calls _bop_defaults
   which has not been updated to pull from cust_payby. _bop_defaults should be repaired or deprecated.
 o Note that realtime_cust_payby works around the outdated _bop_defaults by accessing the data from cust_payby
   and then calling realtime_bop with options so as to not rely on the outdated _bop_defaults
 o Untested, but I suspect realtime_ach and realtime_lec should probably be checked for the same issue.
 o I would submit a patch, but it's not clear to me whether _bop_defaults should be repaired, which would probably
   "un-deprecate" all the broken methods that rely on it, or just deprecate it and re-document the parent method.
   Any input?

Erreu Gedmon

"You see persons and things not as they are but as you are."
        -- Anthony De Mello

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