[freeside-users] Can't add new user via signup.cgi and first package field is blank

AWalton awalton at wires3.net
Wed May 19 03:33:58 PDT 2010

I am trying to get freeside up and runing. I am using version 1.9.3 on 
Debian Lenny. The freeside server seems to be up and running OK and I 
have managed to get the SSH link working between my public web-server 
and the freeside-selfservice-server working. However when I try to 
create a new user, I can enter all the available fields but the 'First 
Package' field is blank (nothing in the drop down). If I complete all 
other obligatory fields and submit, the web server comes back with the 
same completed page, no errors and no feedback to say success. Yet there 
is no user created. I can not work out how to populate the 'First 
Package' field and nothing that I have edited on the freeside server 
with regard to Self-Service settings seems to change this. I do have 3 
packages defined, maybe there is more to do in this regard.

I do know however that something is being exchanged over the SSH link 
because if I add new advertising agents on the freeside server and then 
restart the self-service server, I can then see these advertising agents 
in the field 'Where did you hear about us'.

What is happening any idea?

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