[freeside-users] updating customer info nukes agent_custid

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Mon May 19 21:18:21 PDT 2008


I found an odd problem that I've been able to duplicate in a few Freeside 
installs that I'm using for testing.  I imported a number of clients and 
in the CSV file I mapped the old billing system's customer ID to 
"agent_custid" (or "Agent customer ref#" in the web UI).  When I view the 
imported customers, this field is filled-in.

If I alter something (in my case, turning on postal invoices), 
agent_custid in the cust_main table gets nuked.  From the history table:

freeside=>  SELECT historynum, history_date, history_action, custnum, 
agent_custid from h_cust_main where custnum = 4173 order by history_date;
  historynum | history_date | history_action | custnum | agent_custid
        4263 |   1211171728 | insert         |    4173 | 134
        5135 |   1211251459 | replace_old    |    4173 | 134
        5136 |   1211251459 | replace_new    |    4173 |
(3 rows)

I can't quite follow the code, but I see in freeside/edit/cust_main.cgi 
there's no mention of agent_custid, but there is this little snippet in 
the script that processes the form (freeside/edit/process/cust_main.cgi):

  delete( $new->hashref->{'agent_custid'} )
    unless $new->hashref->{'agent_custid'};

Replacing the delete with a noop doesn't change the behavior, so I'm 
likely not on the right track.

Any ideas?  This is somewhat-pre-1.7.3.



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