[freeside-users] 1.7.3 release candidate 2

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Wed Apr 9 22:35:14 PDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 11:51:55PM -0500, Jeremy Davis wrote:
> > What happens if you follow the 1.7.3 upgrade instructions without
> > adding
> > that step?  Does the RT upgrade work okay in that case?
> > 
> I reverted my system back to 1.7.2 and was unable to reproduce the first
> problem with RT not starting. I may try to get a clean 1.7.2 install up
> tomorrow to see how it acts.  I believe the error had something to do with
> some missing directories and wanting to use mysql by default regardless of
> what RT_SiteConfig said. However I still do get this error:
> error:   	could not find component for path
> '/Elements/SelectTimeUnits'
> I don't even see SelectTimeUnits in the source code or in the /freeside/rt
> web directory.  I get this error when trying to reply to a ticket.

It *is* in 1.9 (RT 3.6), but "rgrep 'TimeUnits' ." in the entire 1.7.3 
(and 1.7.2) (RT 3.4) trees comes up with nothing outside of 
RT/I18N/de.po, so I'm kind of leaning toward some sort of bogosity 
specific to you on this...?

> Is there extra steps other than the ones located at: 
> http://www.freeside.biz/mediawiki/index.php/Freeside:1.7.3:Documentation:Upgrading 
> to upgrade RT that I am missing.

Not that I know of.

> Is this were I would need to revert back to the RT documents to 
> upgrade?  Just checking, if so I would be willing to update the wiki 
> to reflect this.  The problem is easily fixed by moving that file from 
> the old install over to the new directory.

SelectTimeUnits didn't appear in 1.7.2 either, so I'm _really_ thinking 
you have some weirdness locally.  Aborted upgrade to an old 1.9 CVS 
version that had RT 3.6?

> > > 	Automatic fill from Inventory still seems to not work for my for
> > > svc_phone service.  I have some DID's loaded up but it doesn't auto
> > fill.  I
> > > am by no means complaining, however if these are known problems I
> > work
> > > towards getting patch.
> > 
> > Hmm... not a known problem.  Kind of surprised it wouldn't work for you
> > for one kind of service and not others, the inventory fill-in stuff is
> > all implemented in svc_Common.pm (sub insert).
> This is the only time I have tried to use it.  I'm pretty sure the data I
> imported was clean and its error is more on the empty than the illegal.  The
> actual error I get is: Error: Illegal or empty (numeric) phonenum:  I have
> the svc_phone service setup to use DID's from an inventory class.  I didn't
> want to dig deep into this unless it was a known problem and there wasn't a
> fix, just in case if it was me doing something wrong.  However I don't see
> how this could be the case.

Does this help?

Index: svc_Common.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/svc_Common.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -r1.43 svc_Common.pm
--- svc_Common.pm       12 Mar 2008 16:24:33 -0000      1.43
+++ svc_Common.pm       10 Apr 2008 05:06:18 -0000
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@
   my $objects = $options{'child_objects'} || [];
   my $depend_jobnums = $options{'depend_jobnum'} || [];
   $depend_jobnums = [ $depend_jobnums ] unless ref($depend_jobnums);
-  my $error;
   local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
   local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
@@ -219,9 +218,6 @@
   local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
   my $dbh = dbh;
-  $error = $self->check;
-  return $error if $error;
   my $svcnum = $self->svcnum;
   my $cust_svc = $svcnum ? 
qsearchs('cust_svc',{'svcnum'=>$self->svcnum}) : '';
   #unless ( $svcnum ) {
@@ -232,7 +228,7 @@
       'pkgnum'  => $self->pkgnum,
       'svcpart' => $self->svcpart,
     } );
-    $error = $cust_svc->insert;
+    my $error = $cust_svc->insert;
     if ( $error ) {
       $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
       return $error;
@@ -248,13 +244,9 @@
-  $error = $self->set_auto_inventory;
-  if ( $error ) {
-    $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
-    return $error;
-  }
-  $error = $self->SUPER::insert;
+  my $error =    $self->set_auto_inventory
+              || $self->check
+              || $self->SUPER::insert;
   if ( $error ) {
     $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
     return $error;

> > If you had a patch to squeeze in before the release, certainly would be
> > appreciated... :)
> I really need this functionality so I will be writing a patch. What kind of
> time frame do I have?

Well, I was thinking Monday unless a show-stopper came up... but now 
I'm thinking maybe an rc3 Monday and an official release after a week or 

> I really don't think there is anything I can be doing wrong as its 
> pretty self explanatory.  If you have auto-fill selected for a field, 
> will the field still show up when you go to provision it?

Ideally, it shouldn't (or should show an un-editable "(from 
$inventory_class inventory)" or something), but the service edit pages 
are mostly unaware of inventory currently.

>  I'm assuming it does and you just leave it blank to auto-fill.  If 
> this is not the case let me know.
> > 
> > > 	I also have a newsletter function that I have developed which
> > uses
> > > package classes or routers to send e-mail to certain parts of the
> > customer
> > > base.  I will be sending that code to the project as soon as I clean
> > it up.
> > 
> > That sounds great, thanks!  I see that you've been involved with the
> > codebase for years, but we've never actually gotten anything back from
> > you yet.  :(  I look forward to being able to add you to credits.html.
> I've had some problems with not being able to view a bug database online.
> If I remember right your response was the bug reporting system was to too
> closely integrated with your customers data and not being able to separate
> the two was a problem.

Yeah.  The bug database is in our own Freeside+RT install with our 
customer info, and there's no strict separation between things 
like bugs, customer tickets, feature requests, etc.

Unfortunately it will take some work to expose the useful public parts 
of that, and I don't see where the time for that is going to come from 
anytime soon.  :(

I'm at a bit of a loss as to why the lack of public bug database would 
prevent you from contributing code and working together, unless you're 
just holding a grudge or something.  :(

I am going to do my best to *REALLY* release point releases at least 
every few months from now on, rather than the year-long delay between 
1.7.2 and 1.7.3.

>  I have really only started to write code to
> integrate into freeside within the last year or so, but have been using the
> code since 2002-2003 or so.  I do have some other modules that give other
> functionality but I would probably need to re-write them to work on more of
> a general basis instead of specific for one of my customers.  I will post
> some related implementation questions on the developers list and work
> towards getting some of the code back into freeside.  

Oh - I remember seeing a bunch of svc_broadband graphing stuff Matt 
Larsen showed me much more than a year back.  I guess that's something 
that's still too much of a one-customer hack, oh well.  :)


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