[freeside-users] 1.7.3 release candidate 2

Jeremy Davis lists at maximumtech.us
Wed Apr 9 21:51:55 PDT 2008

> What happens if you follow the 1.7.3 upgrade instructions without
> adding
> that step?  Does the RT upgrade work okay in that case?

I reverted my system back to 1.7.2 and was unable to reproduce the first
problem with RT not starting. I may try to get a clean 1.7.2 install up
tomorrow to see how it acts.  I believe the error had something to do with
some missing directories and wanting to use mysql by default regardless of
what RT_SiteConfig said. However I still do get this error:

error:   	could not find component for path

I don't even see SelectTimeUnits in the source code or in the /freeside/rt
web directory.  I get this error when trying to reply to a ticket.  Is there
extra steps other than the ones located at: 
to upgrade RT that I am missing.  Is this were I would need to revert back
to the RT documents to upgrade?  Just checking, if so I would be willing to
update the wiki to reflect this.  The problem is easily fixed by moving that
file from the old install over to the new directory.

> > 	Automatic fill from Inventory still seems to not work for my for
> > svc_phone service.  I have some DID's loaded up but it doesn't auto
> fill.  I
> > am by no means complaining, however if these are known problems I
> work
> > towards getting patch.
> Hmm... not a known problem.  Kind of surprised it wouldn't work for you
> for one kind of service and not others, the inventory fill-in stuff is
> all implemented in svc_Common.pm (sub insert).

This is the only time I have tried to use it.  I'm pretty sure the data I
imported was clean and its error is more on the empty than the illegal.  The
actual error I get is: Error: Illegal or empty (numeric) phonenum:  I have
the svc_phone service setup to use DID's from an inventory class.  I didn't
want to dig deep into this unless it was a known problem and there wasn't a
fix, just in case if it was me doing something wrong.  However I don't see
how this could be the case.

> If you had a patch to squeeze in before the release, certainly would be
> appreciated... :)

I really need this functionality so I will be writing a patch. What kind of
time frame do I have? I really don't think there is anything I can be doing
wrong as its pretty self explanatory.  If you have auto-fill selected for a
field, will the field still show up when you go to provision it?  I'm
assuming it does and you just leave it blank to auto-fill.  If this is not
the case let me know.

> > 	I also have a newsletter function that I have developed which
> uses
> > package classes or routers to send e-mail to certain parts of the
> customer
> > base.  I will be sending that code to the project as soon as I clean
> it up.
> That sounds great, thanks!  I see that you've been involved with the
> codebase for years, but we've never actually gotten anything back from
> you yet.  :(  I look forward to being able to add you to credits.html.

I've had some problems with not being able to view a bug database online.
If I remember right your response was the bug reporting system was to too
closely integrated with your customers data and not being able to separate
the two was a problem.  I have really only started to write code to
integrate into freeside within the last year or so, but have been using the
code since 2002-2003 or so.  I do have some other modules that give other
functionality but I would probably need to re-write them to work on more of
a general basis instead of specific for one of my customers.  I will post
some related implementation questions on the developers list and work
towards getting some of the code back into freeside.  


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