[freeside-users] Initial svc_domain setup?

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Wed Mar 28 18:09:54 PDT 2007

Hi all,

I'm still getting the FAQ issue on creating an initial account, ie:

"Q. I cannot add a user account. I see Error: Can't find svc_acct.domsvc 
in svc_domain.svcnum. What do I do?
Follow the directions in docs/admin.html exactly. You have failed to "Add 
your own domain." Create a package containing a svc_domain service. Sell 
it to yourself. Provision it with your domain. Edit the service definition 
for the svc_acct service and set it to Default or Fixed and your domain. 
Note: Freeside-setup in 1.7.X will have added the first domain already."

So two things...  First, I'm running 1.7.2, so the initial svc_domain 
entry was created.  Second, I'm simply having trouble parsing the above 
answer.  Can someone step me through it?

-"sell it to yourself" - no clue...
-"provision it with your domain" - no clue, create another svc_domain that 
represents one of my actual customer's domains and somehow associate the 
two svc_domain services?
-"Edit the service definition for the svc_acct service and set it to 
Default or Fixed and your domain" - I assume this is talking about adding 
a svc_account (ie: a pop mailbox or similar) and setting it to the 
system's svc_domain or another svc_domain that was created where?

I feel like somewhere I missed some introductory docs that explain the 
overall methodology here.

FWIW, to start with all I want to setup are numerous pop mailboxes with 
different domains, ie: "user at bway.net", "user2 at bway.net", 
"user at customerdomain.com", etc., but I feel like I'm trying to fit a 
square peg in a round hole.

Any pointers to get started?  Are there any docs outside of the docs dir 
in the web root of the install and the wiki?  The wiki seems to lack a 
"usage" section.



Charles Sprickman
Bway.net - New York's Best Internet - www.bway.net
spork at bway.net - 212.655.9344

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