[freeside-users] Canadian taxes, payment methods

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Thu Aug 23 02:18:34 PDT 2007

On Mon, Aug 13, 2007 at 05:33:30PM +0500, Aaron Smith wrote:
> Is there a way in Freeside to set-up Canadian taxes to work properly?

Yes.  We support taxes for many Canadian customers.

> Background: we have two taxes, one of which (GST - 6%) is always 
> charged, and the other (PST) varies from province to province. The 
> requirements are:
> 1. They need to be shown separately.

Separate, named taxes can be setup and are show separately on invoices.

> 2. GST is simple, we always charge it on the subtotal. However, 
> depending on the province, PST is charged only on some items. For 
> example, for Ontario, one would charge PST only for modem rental and 
> not ADSL service, whereas in other provinces, this is different.

Use tax classes to apply PST to some products and not others.

> 3. The PST rate varies from province to province (e.g. Ontario 8%, 
> Quebec 7.5%)

Set PST different for each region.

> 4. Depending on the province, PST is either charged on the subtotal 
> (e.g. Ontario), or charged on subtotal+GST (e.g. Quebec)

We've currently handled this by simply setting the PST to an appropriate 
aggregate rate.  For example, for the 7.5% Quebec PST (QST), simply 
using an 8.025% tax rate for Quebec.
(assuming GST is 7% and PST/QST is 7.5%: 1.07 * 7.5% = 8.025%)

> 5. The correct PST is applied depending on the customer's service address

By default, tax calculations are done based on the billing address.  
Enable the "tax-ship_address" configuration option to calculate tax 
based on the shipping address instead.

> Also, are there plans to add EFT (our version of ACH)

I believe we have Canadian customesr currently using EFT.

> and EMT (e-mail money transfer) payment methods?

We have no current plans to add this feature.  In general, our 
development priorites are driven by the needs of our customers - if a 
customer needs a feature and sponsors the work, we're happy to add 
interfaces to new payment methods or gateways.

> I'm willing to pay for development if this is currently impossible.

Its probably best to contact myself or sales at sisd.com off-list if you're 
interested in pursuing commercial sponsorship of specific features.  
Folks like to keep the mailing list focused on community support.

Third party commercial support is also available from the folks listed 
at http://www.sisd.com/mediawiki/index.php/Freeside:Support:Consultants


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