[freeside-users] TEX invoice tweaking

Vlad Sedov stereomind at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 09:36:12 PDT 2006

I played around with it some and figured out how to put the tear-off section
at the top, replacing the huge "INVOICE" block.

The code is ugly, but it works...


--------cut here----------


\usepackage{graphicx}			% required for logo graphic

\addtolength{\voffset}{-0.0cm}		% top margin to top of header
\addtolength{\hoffset}{-0.6cm}		% left margin on page
\addtolength{\topmargin}{-1.25cm}	% top margin to top of header
\setlength{\headheight}{2.0cm} 		% height of header
\setlength{\headsep}{1.0cm}		% between header and text
\setlength{\footskip}{1.0cm}		% bottom of footer from bottom of text

%\addtolength{\textwidth}{2.1in}    	% width of text
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.9cm} 	% odd page left margin
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.9cm} 	% even page left margin


% Adjust the inset of the mailing address

% Adjust the inset of the return address and logo

% New command for address lines i.e. skip them if blank

% Inserts dollar symbol

% Remove plain style header/footer

% Define fancy header/footer for first and subsequent pages
  { % First page
[@-- $footer --@]
  { % ... pages
[@-- $smallfooter --@]

  { % First page
  { % ... pages
    \small{\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}

  { % First page
        \includegraphics{[@-- $conf_dir --@]/logo.eps} &
[@-- $returnaddress --@]
  { % ... pages
    %\includegraphics{[@-- $conf_dir --@]/logo.eps}	% Uncomment if you
want the logo on all pages.

  { % First page
    Invoice date & & Invoice number \\
    \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & & \textbf{[@-- $invnum --@]} \\\hline
    \textsc{Amount Due:} & \textsc{[@-- foreach my $line
(@total_items) { $OUT = $line->{'total_amount'};}; --@]} & \\
    \textsc{Amount Enclosed:} & \textsc{............} & \\
     & & \\\hline
  { % ... pages
      Invoice date & Invoice number\\
      \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $invnum --@]}\\


%% Font options are:
%%	bch	Bitsream Charter
%% 	put	Utopia
%%	phv	Adobe Helvetica
%%	pnc	New Century Schoolbook
%%	ptm	Times
%%	pcr	Courier


% Commands for freeside description...
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textbf{#1}} &
  \textbf{#2} &
  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{\dollar #3}}\\
% ...extended description...
  \multicolumn{1}{l}{\rule{0pt}{1.0ex}} &
% ...and total line items.
  & \multicolumn{1}{l}{#1} & #2\\

%%	Headers and footers defined for the first page
%%	The LH Heading comprising logo
%%	UNCOMMENT the following FOUR lines and change the path if necssary
to provide a logo
%%	The Heading comprising isue date, customer ref & INVOICE name
%%	Header & footer changes for subsequent pages
\addressinset \rule{0cm}{0cm} &
\textbf{[@-- $payname --@]}\\
\addressline{[@-- $company --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $address1 --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $address2 --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $city --@], [@-- $state --@]~~[@-- $zip --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $country --@]}
Terms: [@-- $terms --@]\\
[@-- $po_line --@]\\
\makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{Ref}} &
\makebox[12.8cm][l]{\textbf{Description}} &
\makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{Amount}} \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}Continued from previous page}\\
\makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{Ref}} &
\makebox[12.8cm][l]{\textbf{Description}} &
\makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{Amount}} \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}Continued on next page...}\\

  foreach my $line (@total_items) {
    $OUT .= '\FStotaldesc{' . $line->{'total_item'} . '}' .
            '{' . $line->{'total_amount'} . '}' . "\n";


  foreach my $line (@detail_items) {
    my $ext_description = $line->{'ext_description'};

    # Don't break-up small packages.
    my $rowbreak = @$ext_description < 5 ? '*' : '';

    $OUT .= "\\hline\n";
    $OUT .= '\FSdesc{' . $line->{'ref'} . '}{' . $line->{'description'} . '}' .
            '{' . $line->{'amount'} . "}${rowbreak}\n";

    foreach my $ext_desc (@$ext_description) {
      $ext_desc = substr($ext_desc, 0, 80) . '...'
        if (length($ext_desc) > 80);
      $OUT .= '\FSextdesc{' . $ext_desc . '}' . "${rowbreak}\n";


[@-- $notes --@]

-----cut here-------

On 10/5/06, Richard Siddall <richard.siddall at elirion.net> wrote:
> Vlad Sedov wrote:
> > I'm trying to figure out how to add a "tear-off" section to the LaTeX
> > version of the invoice that would include the "balance due" and "amount
> > enclosed" lines on the bottom of the invoice. Any starting points,
> anyone?
> > This may be a good option to include in a release some day perhaps?
> It's on my to-do list, but I won't get to it any time soon.  I haven't
> done anything on it other than browsing around the TeX code a bit, and
> coming up with a long list of "nice to have features" on the tear-off.
> I do seem to recall looking at the Perl code to try to figure out how to
> adjust the page length to allow for the space taken up by the tear-off.
> I'd probably change to the tear-off version of the invoice template if
> both that and the current version came with future releases of Freeside.
> Regards,
>         Richard.
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> freeside-users at sisd.com
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-------------- next part --------------
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