[freeside-users] Problem with 2CheckOut
Sameh Fakoua
s.fakoua at gmail.com
Sat May 6 01:20:20 PDT 2006
Normal Authorization
I'm using freeside 1.5.8 CVS under redhat, BusinessOnline and
BusinessOnlinePayment::2checkout installed
I want to configure my system to accept 2co, I followed the
instruction in the documentation as follows:
In the configuration:
business-onlinepayment is:
Normal Authorization
In the invoice event definitions I disabled the default Batch card and
I added one from 2CO as follows:
Payby: CARD
Event: 2CO
Action: Run card with a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway
And Under Sysadmin I clicked on:
View/Edit payment gateways - Credit card and electronic check processors
and Added a new payment gateway and selected 2CheckOut (but when i try
to delete it i receive an error)
After that when users try to signup from signup server I receive the
following error:
"Processing error There has been an error processing your account.
Please contact customer support."
how can I solve this error? do I need to define products on 2CheckOut website?
Thanks for your help
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