[freeside-users] Problems getting self-service working

Jeremy Davis jeremy at manageisp.com
Mon Mar 27 08:42:15 PST 2006

> The signup.cgi is working ok, I can see all my packages and billing 
> options. But when I try to use the agent.cgi and selfservice.cgi the 
> page just sits trying to login for 5 minutes and then gives me a page 
> cant be displayed.

Ive not tried to use the agent.cgi, but I have used the selfservice.cgi 
at both of my ISP's without any problems. 

> I installed selfservice on a remote machine with the same results so I 
> switched back to the localhost of freeside with the same errors.
> I am using latest freeside on my installations,should I use another 
> version of FS::Selfservice?

We are using the latest stable release of freeside in both situations.  
Are you getting an errors in the error.log files of apache?  Also make 
sure that you have the freeside selfservice started on the freeside 
server as well.

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