[freeside-users] Help to configure Freeside

sivaharan Balasubramaniam lovevasi at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 10 09:53:17 PST 2005

Hello there,

  I am getting this error:
     failed to resolve handler HTML::Mason

Any thought as to why? I've put the following into my

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason

<Location /var/www/html/freeside>
PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::Registry
PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
#PerlHandler HTML::Mason
PerlSendHeader on
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +Includes
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

<Files ~ (\.cgi|\.html)>
AddHandler perl-script .cgi .html
PerlHandler HTML::Mason
PerlSendHeader on
Options ExecCGI
Options +Includes
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

<Directory /var/www/html>
Options ExecCGI
Options +Includes
AuthName Freeside
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd
require valid-user

I am kind of frustrated and banging my head as I try
to get this figured out. I do not seem to get a good
document to follow (HOWTO). Any help on this would be
very much appreciated. 

  If someone out there can help me to get this
configured, please let me know. I can contact you guys
(if this is very obvious questions ... might not be
good to be on the forum). We can  work out something.

Please please someone help on this.


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