Problems with Freeside1.5.0pre6 when trying to view certain invoices

Peter Kolbe peter at
Thu May 26 05:19:32 PDT 2005

Errors Output
Can't call method "_date" on an undefined value at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5//FS/ line 844. , 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Apache/ line 1519
Debug Output
Can't call method "_date" on an undefined value at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5//FS/ line 844. , 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Apache/ line 1519
ASP to Perl Script

  -: no strict;;use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server 
  -: #line 1 /var/www/freeside/view/cust_bill.cgi
  1: ;;&Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('<!-- mason kludge -->
  2: '));
  4: #untaint invnum
  5: my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
  6: $query =~ /^((.+)-)?(\d+)$/;
  7: my $templatename = $2;
  8: my $invnum = $3;
 10: my $cust_bill = qsearchs('cust_bill',{'invnum'=>$invnum});
 11: die "Invoice #$invnum not found!" unless $cust_bill;
 12: my $custnum = $cust_bill->getfield('custnum');
 14: #my $printed = $cust_bill->printed;
 16: print header('Invoice View', menubar(
 17:   "Main Menu" => $p,
 18:   "View this customer (#$custnum)" => 
 19: ));
 21: print qq!<A HREF="${p}edit/cust_pay.cgi?$invnum">Enter payments 
(check/cash) against this invoice</A> | !
 22:   if $cust_bill->owed > 0;
 24: print qq!<A HREF="${p}misc/print-invoice.cgi?$invnum">Reprint this 
 25: if ( grep { $_ ne 'POST' } $cust_bill->cust_main->invoicing_list ) {
 26:   print qq! | <A HREF="${p}misc/email-invoice.cgi?$invnum">!.
 27:         qq!Re-email this invoice</A>!;
 28: }
 30: print '<BR><BR>';
 32: my $conf = new FS::Conf;
 33: if ( $conf->exists('invoice_latex') ) {
 34:   my $link = "${p}view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi?";
 35:   $link .= "$templatename-" if $templatename;
 36:   $link .= "$invnum.pdf";
 37:   print menubar(
 38:     'View typeset invoice' => $link,
 39:   ), '<BR><BR>';
 40: }
 42: #false laziness with search/cust_bill_event.cgi
 44: unless ( $templatename ) {
 45:   print table(). '<TR><TH>Event</TH><TH>Date</TH><TH>Status</TH></TR>';
 46:   foreach my $cust_bill_event (
 47:     sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date } $cust_bill->cust_bill_event
 48:   ) {
 49:     my $status = $cust_bill_event->status;
 50:     $status .= ': '. $cust_bill_event->statustext
 51:       if $cust_bill_event->statustext;
 52:     my $part_bill_event = $cust_bill_event->part_bill_event;
 53:     print '<TR><TD>'. $part_bill_event->event;
 55:     if (
 56:       $part_bill_event->plan eq 'send_alternate'
 57:       && $part_bill_event->plandata =~ /^templatename (.*)$/m
 58:     ) {
 59:       my $templatename = $1;
 60:       print qq! ( <A 
 61:             'view text</A> | '.
 62:             qq!<A 
 63:             'view typeset</A> )';
 64:     }
 66:     print '</TD><TD>'.
 67:           time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y", $cust_bill_event->_date). 
 68:           $status. '</TD></TR>';
 69:   }
 70:   print '</TABLE><BR>';
 71: }
 73: print '<PRE>', $cust_bill->print_text('', $templatename);
 75:  #formatting
 76:  print <<END;
 77:     </PRE></FONT>
 78:   </BODY>
 79: </HTML>
 80: END
 82: ;

An error has occured with the Apache::ASP script just run. If you are the 
developer working on this script, and cannot work through this problem, 
please try researching it at the Apache::ASP web site, specifically the FAQ 
section. Failing that, check out your support options, and if necessary 
include this debug output with any query. 

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