Seg Fault during freeside daily and instlation comments

Gerard J. Cerchio gjpc at
Sat Mar 19 17:04:59 PST 2005

Hi All,

I am a newbie to freeside and have just completed my first install.  I 
have run into a few nits, a few maybe nits and a biggie.


    the Locale::SubCountry module is not listed in the required CPANS on 
installation page.
    the directories in the installation directions are not consistent it 
would help a lot if they were:
          I had to cp ./masondocs/* /var/www/freeside/.   where httpd 
RootDirectory is /var/www/freeside
    I had to down load and install the latest gdlib from
    there are a whole bunch of error messages that are to be ignored 
during make


    when I ran freeside-setup gjpc for the first time I got a lot of 
tables created and then: 
        Use of uninitialized value in die at 
/usr/local/bin/freeside-setup line 297.
        Died at /usr/local/bin/freeside-setup line 297.

    when I add additional users with freeside-setup users I get:
        freeside at a31p:~$ freeside-setup test
        NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 
"h_cust_bill_historynum_seq" for "serial" column "h_cust_bill.historynum"
        NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 
"h_cust_bill_pkey" for table "h_cust_bill"
        DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:  relation 
"h_cust_bill_historynum_seq" already exists
        CREATE error: ERROR:  relation "h_cust_bill_historynum_seq" 
already exists

        doing statement: CREATE TABLE h_cust_bill (
          historynum serial NOT NULL  ,
          history_date int   ,
          history_user varchar(80) NOT NULL  ,
          history_action varchar(80) NOT NULL  ,
          invnum int NOT NULL  ,
          custnum int NOT NULL  ,
          _date int   ,
          charged decimal(10,2) NOT NULL  ,
          printed int NOT NULL  ,
          closed char(1)   ,
          PRIMARY KEY (historynum)

Despite the above I get a working freeside.  I do get the following in 
apache-ssl's error log:
    WARNING: message for msgcode daytime in locale en_US not found at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/FS/ line 62.
    WARNING: message for msgcode night in locale en_US not found at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/FS/ line 62.
    FS::CGI::table deprecated; include /elements/table.html instead at 
/var/www/freeside/view/cust_main.cgi line 807
    FS::CGI::menubar deprecated; include /elements/menubar.html instead 
at /var/www/freeside/search/cust_main.cgi line 221
    FS::CGI::header deprecated; include /elements/header.html instead at 
/var/www/freeside/search/cust_main.cgi line 221
    plandata is deprecated at /var/www/freeside/browse/part_pkg.cgi line 107

I added a 2 customers and setup real time credit card transactions and 
actually got credit card transactions through my test gate  when I used 
Customer View screen->Process credit card payment


I added the second customer and changed the package to daily billing and 
ran  the daily I get a segmentation fault:
        freeside at a31p:~$ freeside-daily -v gjpc
        bill customer 2 at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/FS/ 
line 1120.
          bill package 2 at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/FS/ 
line 1159.
        collect customer 2: balance 150.00 at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/FS/ line 1528.
        invnum 2 (owed 150.00) at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/FS/ line 1553.
        calling invoice event ($cust_bill->realtime_card();)
        FS::cust_main=HASH(0x8fcc048) CC 150.00
          invnum => 2
          description => Internet Services
        Segmentation fault

Since this started happening I cannot process credit card payments from 
the Customer View screen anymore.  I find in the error.log:
    [Sat Mar 19 16:32:13 2005] [notice] child pid 2306 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)

I can try wiping the database and starting over but I wonder if there is 
any interest in these problems.

Best Regards,

Gerard J. Cerchio

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