international(english/spanish) self signup mod

Karl Hiramoto karl at
Tue Mar 1 07:05:25 PST 2005

If anyone is interested..   I've started, but not translated the error 
pages yet.  What i could use some help on is how to modify 

What I did was introduce a variable hlang so you can link to 

and it will output spanish.   I translated the parts of signup.html I am 
using to signup_es.html    I also had to modify the perl to accept the 
accent marks spanish can possibly use on the vowls and the N.  These 
chars are all in the western european charset=iso-8859-1

I'm providing links to an internal server with english and spanish 
versions of the signup form, so i just link to signup.cgi?hlang=es for 
the spanish version.   I've attaced a tar.gz of the code.

Code snip:

$cgi = new CGI;

if($cgi->param('hlang') eq 'es')
    $signup_html = -e 'signup_es.html'
                 ? 'signup_es.html'
                 : '/usr/local/freeside/signup.html';

    $signup_html = -e 'signup.html'
                 ? 'signup.html'
                 : '/usr/local/freeside/signup.html';


Karl Hiramoto <karl at>
US VOIP: 603.966.4448
Spain Home from US 011(34) 952.827.554
Spain Home from EU 00 (34) 952.827.554
Spain Mobil 011 (34) 617.463.826
Yahoo_IM = karl_hiramoto
Matz's Law:
	A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

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