[freeside-users] Signup Server Realtime Problems

Shivkumar shivkumar at outbackwifi.com
Fri Jul 1 08:00:47 PDT 2005

I am running freeside 1.5.0pre6 cvs 21 Apr 05  on a Sun Solaris  5.8
i have everything including RT working fine.
i have set up a linux box as a public webserver which the signup, 
self-service and reseller  modules on it.
the pay-by types that i have enabled on the signup page are CARD & PREPAY.
I am   able to successfully create new customers using prepay cards.
i am also able to successfully create new customers using credit card 
information. but the only problem is that the transactions dont show up 
on AuthorizeNet(the processor)! On a hunch, i changed the authorizenet 
password to some incorrect value and again tried creating the customer. 
once again, i got the success page and everything was working including 
the username and password!
i have come to the conclusion that the signup.cgi page is not carrying 
out credit card transactions at all! in fact, the same works even when i 
use test cards.
it may be pertinent to note that credit card payments occur and are 
captured by authorize net when these are made in the customer view.
i am at a loss to understand why this is happening. i have enabled 
signup_server_realtime in my configuration.
any help at all will be appreciated cos we are due to go production in a 
weeks time


IT Global Solutions
F-4/7, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi-110057

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