adding a custom service in freeside

Raj Shekhar rshekhar at
Mon Feb 7 04:36:55 PST 2005

version being used - freeside-1.5.0pre6.tar.gz
perl,  - v5.8.1
Using HTML::Mason on Linux (Fedora core 2)

I would like to add my own custom Service to the already existing list
i.e. on the page , I would
like to have a service which is different than svc_acct/ svc_domain /
svc_forward/ svc_www .  

As far as I can see, it requires editing the edit/part_svc.cgi page and
adding the service into that page.  It also requires adding a table to
the database (with the same name as the service) and the fields in the
table will be the details that we want to store for that particular
service (i.e. quota/username etc.).  

However, editing that file gives me the error
Error during compilation of /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi:
syntax error at /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi line 70, near
syntax error at /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi line 137, near ")"
syntax error at /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi line 76, near "(="
syntax error at /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi line 78, near "( if"
syntax error at /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi line 79, near "(="
syntax error at /var/www/freeside/edit/part_svc.cgi line 80, near "( }"

Is there any other file that needs to updated to add a custom service ? 

Raj Shekhar <rshekhar at>
Data Armor

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