[freeside-users] freeside - too slow

Bowen, Peter pbowen at corp.untd.com
Fri Aug 26 07:27:36 PDT 2005

I use it with mason and it runs fine on our P3 server.  Check your conf it sounds like the apache process is taking some time to startup.  You may want to consider mason if that's feasable.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Jeff Finucane [mailto:jeff at cmh.net]
Sent:	Fri Aug 26 07:17:17 2005
To:	freeside-users at sisd.com
Subject:	Re: [freeside-users] freeside - too slow

Victor <victor at ambra.ro> wrote on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:59:17 +0300....

| Message-ID: <430D7A55.3030409 at ambra.ro>
| From: Victor <victor at ambra.ro>
| To: ivan-freeside at sisd.com
| Subject: [freeside-users] freeside - too slow
| I use freeside 1.4.1 with apache::asp on a dual processor sempron 2.2Gh..
| It works too hard in strange conditions.
| I try to load the main page and the processor is at 100% - http process 
| takes it all.
| The page is just some html.
| After I load it a few times works better, but after another few minutes 
| it takes all the processor again.
| How can I make it more efficient?
| How can I debug it? - I want to know what is heapening when the 
| processor at 100%.
| I have installed the last versions for  freeside modules.

  Fix your computer.  I run freeside on a 350Mhz PII with 256MB of RAM
and it performs adequately.  Your issues have nothing to do with freeside.

  I suggest top and vmstat might provide clues as to what is wrong with
your computer, along with some simple benchmark tools like bonnie and so on.


jeff at cmh.net

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