[freeside] pslatex error on Solaris 8

Shivkumar shivkumar at outbackwifi.com
Thu Apr 28 10:04:20 PDT 2005

i thought about that:
i created a small perl script with the following lines:

my $file="invoice.1.3PwuBgQs.tex";
system("pslatex $file > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0
or die "pslatex $file faile: $!";

as the freeside user inside the cache dir.
and when i ran this program as the freeside user thus:
$perl test.pl
i get the .dvi file as the output in the same directory.
that probably rules out the writability angle; and yes my httpsd is 
running as user freeside.


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Kristian Hoffmann said the following:

>My guess would be that
>/usr/local/etc/freeside/cache.DBI:Pg:dbname=freeside/ isn't writable by
>the freeside user.  That would explain the lack of logfile.
>On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Shivkumar wrote:
>>ive installed  Freeside v1.5.0pre6 CVS dated 21 April 05 on a SunOS 5.8
>>sparc SUNW,Ultra-60.
>>ive also installed the teTeX package from sunfreeware.com
>>I am able to run pslatex from the command line as root and also as the
>>'freeside' user -> the output is a dvi file as it is supposed to be.
>>however when i try view the open invoices, i get the following error:
>>failed: pslatex
>>failed; see
>>for details?
>>funny thing is: there is no log file in the cache folder; only the .tex
>>now when i click on the 'view typeset invoice' link, i get the following
>>failed: No such file or directory at
>>/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/FS/cust_bill.pm line 1448.
>>The httpsd_error log also shows this:
>>old-style invoice template invoice_latex; patch with conf/invoice_latex.diff
>>sh: pslatex: not found
>>i found that there is indeed a .diff file in the conf folder but when i
>>did a patch < invoice_latex.diff all  the hunks were rejected.
>>so what am i doing wrong?
>>also , thanks to ivan for giving a fresh lease of life to the pre-paid
>>cards. Ive yet to test it though

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