[freeside] Merge to 1.4.1 db's into one?

Rick Harby rharby at caarnet.com
Mon Mar 15 10:21:57 PST 2004

That was one of my plans, the other was to try to implement some process to
process communication and have one process cycle through the customers and
their packages, etc and passing the data to the other process which would
create them new in a separate db.. I'll let you know what I come across.

The only problem with incrementing all the primary's in one of the DB's, is
all of the back references need to be incremented as well, just need to
generate a list of all the reference fields as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: ivan [mailto:ivan at 420.am] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 1:08 PM
To: ivan-freeside at sisd.com
Subject: Re: [freeside] Merge to 1.4.1 db's into one?

On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 11:56:26AM -0500, Rick Harby wrote:
> Anyone have any good ideas on how to merge two 1.4.1 DB's into one? We now
> own two ISP's, both using 1.4.1 and want to put them all in one system.

Interesting.  You might try incrementing the primary keys on one of the
databases by a large number so they don't intersect (say, add 100000 to
all primary keys) and then merging all the data into a single database. 

I've never run into this situation myself (all the acquisitions/mergers
I've helped with have been moving *other* billing systems' data into
Freeside) but I'm curious about how this works out for you.


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