[freeside] Installation doc "www.sisd.com/freeside/docs/"veryvague to many at this point.

Sven Willenberger sven at dmv.com
Wed Jun 9 08:44:41 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 01:28 +1000, The Salisburys wrote:
> > what version of apache and mod_perl? I had this issue with apache 2.0.x
> > and mod_perl 2. Ultimately I succeeded using apache 1.3.x.
> Apache 2.0.40
> mod_perl-1.99_07-5
> I am running mysql which is to old.
> In the proccess of upgrading to 4.1.2
> & hoping ....
fwiw, my advice is "don't". There are known issues with modperl for
Apache2 and it is not ready for primetime. For running Freeside, use
apache 1.3.x (since you should be running this as its own instance as
the freeside user, for example) it should not pose a problem. Also, if
at all possible, try using postgresql server instead of mysql. See this
list for mysql issues and related warnings. In the long run, apache
1.3.x and postgresql will save you much headaches.


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