[freeside] fs_selfservice

ivan ivan at 420.am
Tue Jul 6 08:59:28 PDT 2004

On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 10:37:29AM -0400, Richard Siddall wrote:
> ivan wrote:
> >I need to get the web demo updated to 1.5 and include signup, 
> >self-service, reseller interfaces, but I'm very busy, don't know when 
> >I'll find the time.
> Well, while I'd love to see the new signup, self-service, etc., we 
> haven't had them in earlier web demos, so just the 1.5.x billing server 
> would be better than nothing.

As I said, when I can find the time.

You (or anyone else interested in accelerating the situation) are of
course welcome to contribute to the software.  In particular I
anticipate the billing package rewrite (ticket #900) will be necessary
before a public 1.5.0 webdemo, as I've no interest in porting the
webdemo-specific "safe-part_pkg" hack forward from 1.4.1.

> It would be great if you could leave the stable release demo up and add 
> the unstable as a second demo.  Then we could compare current and 
> upcoming releases without installing both on our own machines.

I agree it would be nice, but that's unlikely.  I only have the one
public server currently, and getting multiple different releases setup
concurrently on a single machine would be time-consuming.  I'll expect
I'll probably just get a current 1.5 demo up in place of the 1.4.1 demo
when I can.


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