[freeside] Business::OnlinePayment config for AuthNet

Gerald V. Livingston II gerald.freeside at sysmatrix.net
Thu Dec 9 14:34:39 PST 2004

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 13:15:17 -0800 ivan <ivan at 420.am> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 02:45:56PM -0600, Gerald V. Livingston II wrote:

> > I'm probably overcomplicating and it really just should be:
> > 
> > AuthorizeNet
> > our_username
> > our_password
> Yes.

Thank you.

> > We also want to use ACH which we are NOT currently using via our php
> > pages. If we use ACH the one Business::OnlinePayment config handles
> > that too, correct? We only set up the ACH-ALTERNATE if we were to do
> > ACH through a different gateway than AuthNet?
> Yes and yes.

Thank you.

> > Where does the "transaction key" go since we don't use referrer URLs?
> Freeside doesn't use transaction keys.

The AIM docs say under "Minimum requirements for AIM" heading:

The following MINIMUM name/value pairs must be submitted to the gateway
when using AIM:

x_version =>3.1
x_delim_data => True
x_relay_response => False
x_login => login ID
x_tran_key => transaction key
x_amount => $ of transaction
x_card_num => CC number
x_exp_date => CC exp date

Password is not in the API at all and not an available variable for passing
in the list they provide in the document?? I did a search for x_password
and it isn't there. 

They are phasing it out in favor of the MD5 HASH'd transaction key. I'm not
even sure we can turn the ability to use x_password back on since we have
been using the transaction key for a year now at least via our secure php
pages and not sending a password at all. I recall them sending us a notice
that we should turn off "require password" in our settings online.

I can probably dig the php code out that calculates the hash value to be
sent if you'd like to see it.

> > I'm also interested in the 4th line for actions. Our php page let's us
> > set the config file to send only test transactions until we are sure
> > it's right and change the config to "live" -- the only other way I know
> > to do that is to turn on test mode at AuthNet and that makes our "in
> > use" php signups "dead" until I'm done setting up/testing freeside.
> > 
> > I looked through the php pages (not coded by me) and don't see if it is
> > just sending "TEST" as an additional parameter to the transaction. If
> > yes, what do I need to put on the 4th line to keep Freeside "dead"
> > until I'm done setting it up?
> The fourth line is optionally used to specify "Authorization Only" or
> "Normal Authorization", not to enable test mode.  There isn't a Freeside
> configuration option to enable test mode.  Most
> Business::OnlinePayment;: modules include a test suite in the t/ or t2/
> directory.

Rather than installing/uninstalling the live/testing versions of the module
will it work if I add a section under 

sub map_fields {


        $content{'testing'} = TRUE;

Just before this line


Then add:

testing       => 'x_test_request',

at the bottom of the 



I could then switch back and forth between live and testing by changing a
single value in AuthorizeNet.pm.

(Assuming my syntax was correct -- I'm working on Q/A here rather than
digging through a perl book -- I'll dig through the book if you say it
would work -- that's how I modified the pre-written php scripts to
customize them for our use -- too many jobs here so I learn only what's
needed at the moment.)

It would be nice if it accepted it as a 5th line in the Freeside config but
that's a bit too ambitious for my (lack of) skills at the moment



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