[freeside] fs-setup issue

freeside at gmx.ch freeside at gmx.ch
Thu Nov 20 15:49:02 PST 2003

Using FreeBSD 5.1 like the original poster, Perl 5.6.1, DBI 1.38,
old DBD::Pg from the ports replaced with 1.31 from CPAN I got the
same error while running bin/fs-setup username:

Cannot specify both sql_type and pg_type at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/Record.pm line 272.

> This is a bug in DBD::Pg 1.31.  The following patch should work around
> the problem:

Applied the changes as suggested, and now a new error pops up:

DBI::st=HASH(0x866e30c)->bind_param(...): attribute parameter '4' is not a
hash ref at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/Record.pm line 273.

The reference of DBI.pm still recommends:
$sth->bind_param(1, $value, { TYPE => SQL_INTEGER });

and also DBD::Pg.3 wants a hash:
$rv = $sth->bind_param($param_num, $bind_value, \%attr);

Maybe you are referring to a more recent version of DBI ?


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