[freeside] FW: Signup Server dies w/ error about storable (update)
ivan at 420.am
ivan at 420.am
Sun Mar 23 14:06:42 PST 2003
fs_signup_server is dying. Attach a debugger to it and determine
precisely how.
Alternatively, migrate the signup functions to the self-service
framework. Since the self-service framework is replacing the
signup/passwd/mailadmin servers anyway, this might be a more fruitful
use of time.
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 12:04:15AM -0500, Jeremy McGee wrote:
> As an update to my previous post, here is some additional information...
> The Freeside version is 1.4.1beta7.
> I am using Apache::ASP
> I am using Postgres as the DB, and EVERYTHING else within Freeside seems to
> work just fine as best I can tell, including exports, searching,
> provisioning, etc.
> The OS is Redhat 7.2, with Perl 5.6
> THere does not appear to be any obvious entries in Apache logs that provide
> clues.
> If I am leaving out any important information, please let me know.
> JM
> Hello all,
> We have Freeside up and running fine. Additionally, the signup server seems
> to be working fine. However, from time to time it will stop working and the
> following error will appear on the Freeside boxscreen...
> Magic number checking on storable file failed at blib/lib/Storable.pm
> (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/fd_retrieve.al) line 346, at
> /home/freeside/freeside-1.4.1beta7/fs_signup/fs_signup_server line 119
> After that error appears on the screen, the signup pages accessed through
> signup.cgi will appear. However, when I fill out the information and hit
> submit, it indicates an invalid pkgpart number and will not continue. If I
> restart the signup server, it will work flawlessly again. We have tracked
> this very closely monitoring and trying to assess whether it happens after a
> particular signup event or after a particular amount of time. These
> investigations were for the most part fruitless. It does appear to be
> behaving like this every 20 minutes or so. At which time, we restart it.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is a very annoying
> problem. As a side note, we have upgraded to the latest version of Storable
> on both boxes.
> Even an explanation as to what it is doing when it displays the above
> message might be very helpful in tracking down the problem.
> Thanks Again.
> JM
> jeremy at filtertoad.com
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