FW: Signup Server dies w/ error about storable (update)

Jeremy McGee jeremy at filtertoad.com
Wed Mar 19 21:04:43 PST 2003

As an update to my previous post, here is some additional information...

The Freeside version is 1.4.1beta7.
I am using Apache::ASP
I am using Postgres as the DB, and EVERYTHING else within Freeside seems to
work just fine as best I can tell, including exports, searching,
provisioning, etc.
The OS is Redhat 7.2, with Perl 5.6
THere does not appear to be any obvious entries in Apache logs that provide
If I am leaving out any important information, please let me know.


Hello all,

We have Freeside up and running fine.  Additionally, the signup server seems
to be working fine.  However, from time to time it will stop working and the
following error will appear on the Freeside boxscreen...

Magic number checking on storable file failed at blib/lib/Storable.pm
(autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/fd_retrieve.al) line 346, at
/home/freeside/freeside-1.4.1beta7/fs_signup/fs_signup_server line 119

After that error appears on the screen, the signup pages accessed through
signup.cgi will appear.  However, when I fill out the information and hit
submit, it indicates an invalid pkgpart number and will not continue.  If I
restart the signup server, it will work flawlessly again.  We have tracked
this very closely monitoring and trying to assess whether it happens after a
particular signup event or after a particular amount of time.  These
investigations were for the most part fruitless.  It does appear to be
behaving like this every 20 minutes or so.  At which time, we restart it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is a very annoying
problem.  As a side note, we have upgraded to the latest version of Storable
on both boxes.

Even an explanation as to what it is doing when it displays the above
message might be very helpful in tracking down the problem.

Thanks Again.

jeremy at filtertoad.com

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