setup driving me nuts..

Matt Hess mhess at
Mon Jun 2 17:15:22 PDT 2003

I've been trying unsuccessfully to get freeside setup and working and am 
just at a loss..

what I'm using:
tried both freeside-1.4.0 and freeside-1.4.1rc3 with the same outcome.
html::mason 1.15
perl revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0
DBI 1.30
DBD Pg 1.01
postgresql 7.3.2
OpenBSD 3.3

The main html page displays without issue but clicking on a link to a 
cgi file however yields nothing.. in apache's error log I find:

[Mon Jun  2 18:06:11 2003] [notice] child pid 5792 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)

I ran a ktrace on the child process and came up with:

   5792 httpd    CALL  stat(0xc82d40,0x402c4000)
   5792 httpd    NAMI 
   5792 httpd    RET   stat 0
   5792 httpd    CALL  stat(0x4c9480,0x402c4000)
   5792 httpd    NAMI 
   5792 httpd    RET   stat 0
   5792 httpd    CALL  stat(0xc5d780,0x402c4000)
   5792 httpd    NAMI 
   5792 httpd    RET   stat 0
   5792 httpd    CALL  open(0x402c4780,0,0)
   5792 httpd    NAMI 
   5792 httpd    RET   open 5
   5792 httpd    CALL  read(0x5,0xcfbfd100,0x20)
   5792 httpd    GIO   fd 5 read 32 bytes
   5792 httpd    RET   read 32/0x20
   5792 httpd    CALL  mmap(0,0xc000,0x5,0x4,0x5,0,0,0)
   5792 httpd    RET   mmap 1077784576/0x403db000
   5792 httpd    CALL  mprotect(0x403e6000,0x1000,0x7)
   5792 httpd    RET   mprotect 0
   5792 httpd    CALL  mmap(0x403e7000,0,0x3,0x1014,0xffffffff,0,0,0)
   5792 httpd    RET   mmap 1077833728/0x403e7000
   5792 httpd    CALL  close(0x5)
   5792 httpd    RET   close 0
   5792 httpd    CALL  open(0x402bf97a,0,0)
   5792 httpd    NAMI  "/usr/local/lib/"
   5792 httpd    RET   open 5
   5792 httpd    CALL  read(0x5,0xcfbfd0e0,0x20)
   5792 httpd    GIO   fd 5 read 32 bytes
   5792 httpd    RET   read 32/0x20
   5792 httpd    CALL  mmap(0,0x11000,0x5,0x4,0x5,0,0,0)
   5792 httpd    RET   mmap 1077833728/0x403e7000
   5792 httpd    CALL  mprotect(0x403f7000,0x1000,0x7)
   5792 httpd    RET   mprotect 0
   5792 httpd    CALL  mmap(0x403f8000,0,0x3,0x1014,0xffffffff,0,0,0)
   5792 httpd    RET   mmap 1077903360/0x403f8000
   5792 httpd    CALL  close(0x5)
   5792 httpd    RET   close 0
   5792 httpd    PSIG  SIGSEGV SIG_DFL code 1 addr=0x403fc174 trapno=1
   5792 httpd    PSIG  SIGSEGV SIG_DFL code 0 addr=0x0 trapno=0


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