Adding Export -->Fail to add null value in not null attribute deprecated

jbd ch1x0r2003 at
Tue Jul 29 09:21:54 PDT 2003

I'm having issues adding a new export. The error I'm getting is :

Error: ERROR: ExecAppend: Fail to add null value in not null attribute

The exportnum is not being generated, and is trying to insert the new
export without this information, hence the error. 

Server Details
OS - Debian Woody
PSQL -7.1.3
Apache 1.3.26
Freeside 1.4.1rc3

I also have a dev server running the exact same thing, except using
Freeside 1.4.0 and do not have this problem. 

I have compared the two over and over, the part_export.cgi,, etc and can't figure out why I can't get it to work on
the newer version of Freeside. 

Side notes;
Couple of differences I have found, that I have been unable to confirm
in docs as Freeside version differences are :

a) My 1.4.1rc3 has an extra field part_export.deprecated. This field is
not present in my 1.4.0 server, I found it strange as the error mentions

b) Can anyone confirm that Freeside 1.4.1rc3 works 100% with psql 7.1.3.

I ask because FAQ's state that 1.4.0 has a few flaws with the new psql
7.3, was curious if the reverse setup (fs1.4.1x no longer worked with
older psql versions as it was changed to work with psql 7.3)

Please let me know if I left anything out - this is my first post so Im
not 100% I am sending all needed info. 
Thanks in advance for any advice


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