Quick Invoice ?

Troy Hammonds troyh at netsignia.net
Sat Aug 30 10:43:24 PDT 2003

I have spent a month importing customers and geting freeside to what I think is setup right. The 1st of the month is almost here and I am about to do my first billing.  I have been setting up Invoice events and have a question.  

Ok I have the send invoice even set for 0 days so i know that when I bill they will have a invoice sent.  If I set another invoice event for 5 days will it send an invoice again to people that have not payed yet? I see the Generate invoices event and I guess this is when I got confused. I dont know if I need to set this even before it will send invoices again.

If not what is Generate invoices and Collect on invoices events used for?

Troy Hammonds
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