Canadian taxes...

Rob Charles rob at
Mon Aug 18 11:56:46 PDT 2003

Hello all this is a Canadian specific tax question for Version 1.50

I hope someone can help me out....

I setup the Country as CA and the State as QC, then I setup tax 1 as PST
and tax 2 as GST and assigned them the % 7 - GST and %7.5 PST. This is

On the customer it makes me assign for state QC either GST or PST but
the client must be charged both.

The other issue is for the province of QC we must charge the taxes as
per the example in the ticket, how do we specify that PST must be 

 Sub-Total * 7% = GST
 (Subtotal + GST) * 7.5% = PST
 Sub-Total + GST + PST = Total

The GST is simple.

Also since we have 2 taxes per province how do we specify that internet
service is only charged 1 tax but the modem is charged both taxes.


Rob Charles
Montreal, Canada
Rob at

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